Yogurt (Larry Stein) Make Mother Culture: 2C raw milk. Heat to 180° in double boiler Cover and let cool to 110° Add 4tsp greek yogurt to cooled milk. (ratio of 1:24 48tsp/C) Set in oven to keep at 110 for 5-8 hours. Once set, refridgerate Use this starter for new batch. To make a batch of yogurt: 1-4 qt milk, Can use raw or pastuerize to 180°. Heating to 180 and holding for 30 minutes seems to make a creamer yogurt. Cool milk to 115° Add 8tsp or more of the starter or a sample from a previous batch of yogurt Wrap the pot in towels and set in a warm place to keep the temp at 110° for 12 hours, until set. Once set you can stir and refridgerate for a thinner yogurt or strain in a cheese cloth for 1 to 4 hours for a thicker Greek yogurt style. For 3 qts of milk I strain until 3 cups of whey have been drained. Refriderate and eat. Be sure to put some aside to use for the next batch.