Cultured Butter Recipe

Chris Banker, 11/23/2024

  1. Pour just shy of 1 quart of cream (not ultra-pasteurized) in a 1 qt mason jar to leave about 1/2 inch of head space
  2. Add about 1/8 tsp of your favorite mesophilic cheese culture, sprinkled on top of the cream.  Flora Danica and other diacetyl-producing cultures work great.
  3. Allow culture to rehydrate on top for 5-10 mins, then stir the cultures in.
  4. Cover with a paper towel secured by mason jar ring or cheesecloth
  5. Allow to culture for about 24 hours
  6. Cool to about 50-60 degrees
  7. Put in food processor and process for about 2 mins or until the butter visibly and audibly separates from buttermilk.  You will see the butter cling to the blade and the liquid buttermilk will start sloshing.
  8. Save buttermilk and rinse the butter several times in ice water to remove excess buttermilk.  The more buttermilk removed, the longer the cheese will last.  It’s not as important if using fresh.  Nitrile gloves are helpful to improve comfort while rinsing in ice water.
  9. Salt lightly, if desired.  Optionally make a compound butter:  garlic and herbs, cinnamon sugar, etc.

Cream sources: Costco has half gallon plastic jugs of suitable cream.  Trader Joes has pints of organic cream in the blue and white cardboard carton.

Note: this recipe is specifically for using a food processor.  A blender may not work correctly.  There might be other methods to churn the butter or it can be churned manually.