Tag Archives: 2023

Queso Diego January Meeting Announcement

Happy New Year and welcome to another fun cheese filled year. Our scheduled meeting was a guest presentation by author and Moroccan chef, Kitty Morse. Unfortunately, she will not be available due to unexpected circumstances. We will reschedule her presentation as circumstances allow.

January Queso Diego Meeting
Pairing Cheese and Beverages: Complementarity and Contrast

January 17th 2023, 6:30 PM

AleSmith Brewery
9990 AleSmith Ct.
San Diego, CA 92126

Taking inspiration from our upcoming Anniversary Party, our January Queso Diego Meeting will explore the guidelines for cheese pairings and provide an opportunity for each of you to participate in developing some pairings of your own. Cheese and beverages for your pairing experiences will be provided. Prepare your palate for a fun experience.

In the meantime, watch your email for the announcement of our annual Anniversary Party on February 21st. Be sure to purchase your tickets early to ensure your place at the table, as tickets will be limited. The price is $20 for members and $30 for guests.

We also wanted to remind everyone that it’s time to renew annual dues. It is $20 for a personal membership and $30 for household. Feel free to bring cash or a check to the meeting or you can pay online at payments@quesodiego.org.

Please remember to bring a chair to the meeting, looking forward to seeing you then!

Please RSVP here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdv35R3HbLAjpcm_WCFlmD1MjPUwTZrSkPUc4o56yN-CTym-A/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0