Tag Archives: fall

Queso Diego September Meeting Announcement

We will be having our September Queso Diego Meeting on Tuesday, September 18th.

As always, it will be held at:

AleSmith Brewing Company
9990 Alesmith Court
San Diego, CA 92126.

Please RSVP via the following link:

This month’s featured presentation will be Fall and Holiday Cheeses moderated by Marci Richards and Olaf Walter. Club members will have an opportunity to present their favorite Fall and Holiday Cheeses Recipes and to share their creations if they wish.

The meeting starts at 6:30 PM with sharing of cheese (homemade or otherwise) and cheese-friendly foods, homemade alcoholic beverages, and any other food or non-alcoholic beverage you would like to share. AleSmith beer is available for purchase (no other commercial alcoholic beverages can be served at the brewery). Please refrain from sharing or partaking of food before 6:30 PM.

At 7:00 PM we start the formal meeting with a summary of past and upcoming club events and meeting plans and we always provide a chance to talk about your homemade cheeses and to discuss cheesemaking and answer cheese-related questions.

Please remember to bring a chair and wear something warm as we meet in the brewery, which can be chilly if the weather is cold.

If you haven’t paid your 2018 dues, please be prepared to pay $20 for individuals or $30 for a family to our new Membership Officer, Olaf Walter.

Please RSVP and Enjoy the meeting.

Queso Diego October Meeting Announcement

From Wheel to Plate! Join us for the October Queso Diego Cheeseup where we’ll celebrate the onset of Fall with Cheese Boards using harvest ingredients.

Using what we learned from the September meeting, all attendees are encouraged to plate their own Falltastic cheese creations! Please use your assigned harvest ingredient from our former event. If you weren’t there to receive an assignment, or have forgotten your ingredient, don’t fret! You can select a couple of harvest-themed ingredients to center a cheese spread around.

Cheese boards do not need to be large as there will be many to sample from!

Harvest Ingredient Suggestions:
– persimmons
– candied ginger
– butternut squash
– sweet potatoes
– baked apples
– pomegranate
– pumpkin
– spice
– everything nice

The meeting will be held at 6:30pm on Tues, October 21st at City Farmers Nursery (http://www.cityfarmersnursery.com). Map of parking and the meeting location: https://quesodiego.org/?attachment_id=453

Nates Garden Grill (http://www.natesgardengrill.com/) on the grounds is now open, so please consider stopping by to grab a beer before or after the meeting. They have a great menu of fresh, local food, and an extensive draft beer list.

Please RSVP using the following form as soon as possible so that we can get an accurate head count: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?usp=drive_web&formkey=dGhPVWtKN0JkV0RkX1llay0wRkpnZnc6MA#gid=0


– Brief business meeting
– Share and enjoy harvest themed cheese plates

What to bring:

– Fall Cheese Plates with 1-2 harvest ingredients, seasonal accouterments, and beverage pairings
– 2014 Dues ($20 individual/$30 household), if not yet paid. It is also possible to pay online through PayPal here: https://quesodiego.org/about/membership