Tag Archives: french

Queso Diego July Meeting Announcement

Join us at our July Meeting next Tuesday, July 16 at 6:30pm at AleSmith (9990 AleSmith Ct, San Diego, Ca 92126)! We will be meeting in the MEZZANINE (upstairs).

Chris and Susan will be presenting on Feta Cheese! While many people may be accustomed to just grabbing a tub of crumbled feta from the grocery store, there are many varieties of this popular cheese, which can be enjoyed on their own or used for their specific properties in various dishes. This presentation will cover the Feta cheese style and history, regional variations of Feta, why Feta is a “gateway hard cheese” for home cheesemakers, along with detailed instructions on making Feta cheese at home. Cheese samples will include a guided comparison of several regional fetas, along with homemade and flavored examples! … and there may be information about the next CHEESE CLASS that we will do.

We’re meeting in the MEZZANINE area (walk in the main entrance, past the main bar and gift shop towards the Barrel Room. Before the Barrel Room, use the stairs or elevator to go UPSTAIRS to the Mezzanine). There is seating in the Mezzanine.
Upon arrival, please check-in at the check-in table
Please set up your potluck item (and we have labels and label stands, grab a sharpie and label what you bought)
Members are encouraged to bring homemade cheese or potluck item or beverage. If alcohol, only homemade alcohol is allowed (NO COMMERICAL ALCOHOL). Better yet, enjoy some of the tasty AleSmith beverages!
Potluck/socializing beginning at 6:30pm, and the meeting at 7:00pm

A quick note about bringing a LAWN CHAIR… We always need to bring a lawn chair if we meet in the Barrel Room. But the Mezzanine does have seating, so no lawn chair is needed if we meet there. HOWEVER, I would ask everyone to always bring a lawn chair… that way, if there is ever a last minute change with the Mezzanine, we won’t be stuck without chairs. I don’t expect it, but never hurts to be prepared. In this case, I will leave my lawn chair in my car, as we are expecting the Mezzanine, and there is seating there.

Queso Diego November Meeting Announcement

The activities at our next meeting on November 21 st will be another double feature extravaganza:

First, The presentation “Alpine Cheeses” by our own award-winning Marci Richards. It will be an informative exposé into the sharp and aromatic goodness that originated in the Alps of Switzerland, France and Italy. Yummm. And we’ll have samples to enjoy!

BTW: This month’s participatory cheese is aptly described as “Holiday Cheese”. Let your imagination run wild and put together your impression of flavors that represent the Holiday Season. We’ll all look forward to sampling prior to the meeting, between 6:30 and the 7:00 start of the meeting.

Second, it’s time for our annual elections of Officers. This year voting is available online for all members in good standing (paid their dues and didn’t serve cheese whiz all year). Look for a separate voting form.

Queso Diego November Meeting
Tuesday, November 21 @ 6:30PM
AleSmith Brewery
9990 AleSmith Court
San Diego, CA 92126

Meetings are free, but we highly encourage bringing something tasty to share (including homemade and store-bought cheeses), and joining as a member for only $20/year. Please bring a chair to sit on.

Please RSVP using this form as soon as possible so that we can get an accurate head count.


Queso Diego August Meeting Announcement

Hello Queso Diegans,

Our next meeting Curt Witenberg will be presenting Hommage à Fromage: The Cheese of France

We will have the opportunity to learn about History, Regionality, Character, Pairings, and French Cheese Recipes. All this while tasting some delicious French cheeses.

It is sure to be yet another awesome Queso Diego meeting.

This meeting will be held at 6:30pm on Tuesday August 18th at City Farmers Nursery (http://www.cityfarmersnursery.com).
Map of parking and the meeting location: https://quesodiego.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/City-Farmers-Map.jpg

Nate’s Garden Grill on the grounds of City Farmers Nursery is now open, so consider stopping by to grab a beer before or after the meeting. They have a great menu of fresh, local food and an extensive draft beer list.

Please RSVP using the link below as soon as possible so that we can get an accurate head count:

Sharing is Caring. — As always, bringing delicious beverages is always strongly encouraged. You might even try a pairing or making or bringing French Cheeses.

It is also recommended to bring your tasting glasses to cut down on those pesky plastic cups (and help eliminate waste).

BTW, The Queso Diego taster glasses are getting printed as I type this. They just might possibly mayhaps be ready for you by this meeting.

See you there.

Take it Easy and Keep it Cheesy,
Brian Trout
Queso Diego