Tag Archives: pairing

Queso Diego January 2014 Meeting Announcement

January marks Queso Diego’s third anniversary as a club.  To celebrate this occasion and the new year, we will be holding a cheese and champagne pairing celebration.  We will explore pairings with a variety of sparking wines.  The club will provide cheeses for the pairing and we are asking that attendees contribute a suggested minimum donation of $5 per person to help offset the cost of the sparkling wines that we will be purchasing.

In the past, the cheese and champagne celebration has been our highest attended meeting. To accommodate our available space this year, paid members will be given priority attendance, leaving a few spots for non-members. Please keep in mind that it’s possible we may have to cap off our headcount to ensure our available space is not compromised.

The meeting will be held at 6:30pm on Tues, January 21, at City Farmers Nursery (http://www.cityfarmersnursery.com).  Map of parking and meeting location: http://bit.ly/RtI8rX

There will not be a meal or food truck provided, but members are welcome to bring snacks, drinks, and food to share as well as cheese.  Nate’s Garden Grill (at City Farmers Nursery) is open for those who want to eat before or stop by for a drink after.

Please RSVP using the form here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?usp=drive_web&formkey=dDY4NXRPUXMtNzdUWUJ1R1lMNDFKREE6MA#gid=0

  • Club announcements
  • Cheese and Sparkling Wine Celebration

What to bring:

  • Suggested minimum donation of $5 to help offset the cost of sparkling wines.
  • Sparkling wine friendly foods to share
  • 2014 Dues ($20 individual/$30 family), if not yet paid.  This year’s membership is valid through June 2014.  It is also possible to pay online through PayPal: https://quesodiego.org/about/membership/


  • Tuesday, January 21st
  • 6:30pm
  • City Farmers Nursery – 4828 Home Ave. San Diego, Ca 92105
  • Topic: Cheese and Champagne Celebration

Queso Diego October Meeting Announcement

The October meeting of Queso Diego will take place tomorrow, October 15. We will be doing a harvest and Halloween themed pairing night and we encourage members to bring cheeses, foods, and beverages to create pairings. The club will provide a few harvest-themed cheeses and we expect that members will bring lots of interesting things to try. Feel free to bring pre-planned pairings or things to mix-and match with what other attendees bring. The idea behind this is to provide an opportunity before the holiday season for us to try out different combinations and develop ideas to share with our friends and family during the holidays.

A few ideas to get you started:
cheeses and foods involving fall and pumpkin spices, ciders and pumpkin beers and cheeses to pair with them, wine and cheese pairings, liquor or cocktail pairings, foods made with cheeses, etc.

The meeting will be held at 6:30pm on Tues, October 15 (Tomorrow) at City Farmers Nursery (http://www.cityfarmersnursery.com). Map of parking and the meeting location: http://bit.ly/RtI8rX.

Please RSVP using the following form:

Queso Diego November Meeting Announcement

The November Queso Diego meeting will focus on cheese and beverage pairings. With the holidays quickly approaching, it’s a great time to start thinking about sharing cheeses with family and friends. For this meeting, we are going to explore pairing cheeses with beer, wine, mead, cider, liquor, cocktails, and non-alcoholic drinks. We encourage everyone to bring a cheese and/or a beverage to pair with and a favorite pairing would be even better. We will share our pairings and mix-and match to find new combinations. We will then have some discussion about our favorites and what worked well for pairings.

The meeting will be held at 6:30pm on Tues, November 20 at City Farmers Nursery (http://www.cityfarmersnursery.com).  Map of parking and the meeting location: http://bit.ly/RtI8rX.

Please RSVP using the link below so we can get an accurate head count: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dDBJV0VoZkpLbXozRHJKTThURWFpZWc6MA#gid=0


  • Free-form cheese and beverage pairings
  • Club business – treasurer updates, future meetings, etc.
  • Discussion about favorite pairings
  • Additional time to revisit pairings

What to bring:

  • Cheese and/or beverage for sharing and pairing. Snacks and beverages are also welcome.
  • 2012 Dues ($20), if not yet paid. Membership is valid through June 2013. It is also be possible to pay online through PayPal


Queso Diego March Meeting Announcement

The March meeting of Queso Diego will follow a St. Patrick’s Day / Irish theme. We will focus on Irish beer and cheese pairings, green cheeses, and Irish cheeses. If you have or can make any Irish, green or beer cheeses, please bring them. Members are encouraged to celebrate the holiday by wearing green. We also welcome any homemade beers, especially Irish ones (Dry Stout, Irish Red, etc) and could potentially arrange pairings, so let us know by email or in the RSVP form.

The meeting will be held at 6:30pm on Tues, March 20 at AleSmith (http://www.alesmith.com/). The Mad Maui food truck (www.madmaui.com) will be on site for those wishing to purchase dinner.

Seating is very limited, so please bring your own folding chair if possible.