Tag Archives: cheese

Queso Diego June Meeting Announcement

June Queso Diego Meeting
June 20th 2023, 6:30 PM
AleSmith Brewery
9990 AleSmith Ct.
San Diego, CA 92126

The meeting is “Cheese Bingo”

It’s exciting just to be a member of Queso Diego, but “Cheese Bingo” What!!!! Yes a cheese bingo game with tons of fun and prizes. This bingo game will combine knowledge about cheese making with our favorite activity, EATING CHEESE! There will be prizes for the winners, but that will not be the only way to win.

Please be sure to bring a cell phone, tablet or laptop. The game will be played on your device. AleSmith has Wi-Fi for devices without cellular service. We will be playing in groups of 3-4 people. Only one device is required for each group but everyone who wants to will be able to play their own bingo card. Every card will be unique.

It will be our usual potluck so bring something to share.

Please remember to bring a chair, looking forward to seeing you!

Queso Diego January Meeting Announcement

Happy New Year and welcome to another fun cheese filled year. Our scheduled meeting was a guest presentation by author and Moroccan chef, Kitty Morse. Unfortunately, she will not be available due to unexpected circumstances. We will reschedule her presentation as circumstances allow.

January Queso Diego Meeting
Pairing Cheese and Beverages: Complementarity and Contrast

January 17th 2023, 6:30 PM

AleSmith Brewery
9990 AleSmith Ct.
San Diego, CA 92126

Taking inspiration from our upcoming Anniversary Party, our January Queso Diego Meeting will explore the guidelines for cheese pairings and provide an opportunity for each of you to participate in developing some pairings of your own. Cheese and beverages for your pairing experiences will be provided. Prepare your palate for a fun experience.

In the meantime, watch your email for the announcement of our annual Anniversary Party on February 21st. Be sure to purchase your tickets early to ensure your place at the table, as tickets will be limited. The price is $20 for members and $30 for guests.

We also wanted to remind everyone that it’s time to renew annual dues. It is $20 for a personal membership and $30 for household. Feel free to bring cash or a check to the meeting or you can pay online at payments@quesodiego.org.

Please remember to bring a chair to the meeting, looking forward to seeing you then!

Please RSVP here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdv35R3HbLAjpcm_WCFlmD1MjPUwTZrSkPUc4o56yN-CTym-A/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0

Queso Diego Anniversary Party – No Regular February Meeting

In lieu of our regular monthly meeting, we will be holding our annual “Bubbly and Cheese” pairing to celebrate Queso Diego’s 11th anniversary as a club. This is a special sit-down guided pairing event for members and their guests. If you would like to join as a member and attend, contact membership@quesodiego.org for details.

Members should have received the sign-up information via the club email list. If you are a member and did not, please contact the officers.

We will resume normal monthly meetings in March and we hope to see you then.

Queso Diego November Meeting Announcement

“Holiday Cheese Display”

Tuesday, November 16, at 6:30 PM

The Barrel Room
AleSmith Brewing Co.
9990 AleSmith Court
San Diego, CA 92126

Greetings Queso Diego,

As usual we’ll start off at 6:30 with our potluck munchies.

The general meeting will start at 7:00 and we’ll get together and share ideas for centerpieces, displays and presentations made primarily from cheese. You’re encouraged to be creative and make a display using any cheese as well as charcuterie and accompaniments.

We’d love to have you share your ideas for the holidays.

We also have our annual elections this month. The board will present a slate of officers for discussion and approval. We look forward to having everyone join us.

Remember to bring a chair and a coat. It’s getting a little cooler.

Regarding the noise:
I’m sure everyone is aware that the back room can be a bit noisy. They have so much beer to can that they’ve been running 24/7. Peter is aware of the noise.
They are in the process of getting a faster canning line that will be installed a little further away. This should hopefully be done within the next couple of months.
Thanks for putting up with this but it will get better.