Tag Archives: cheeses

Queso Diego August Meeting Announcement

Side of Gruyère cheese

Join us at our August Meeting next Tuesday, August 20 at 6:30pm at AleSmith (9990 AleSmith Ct, San Diego, Ca 92126)!  We will be meeting in the MEZZANINE (upstairs).  Meeting logistics are at the bottom of this email.  Always bring a lawn chair to meetings, but in this case, leave your lawn chair in your car as we expect to be in the Mezzanine which does have seating.


Curt will be presenting on Alpine Cheeses: From Switzerland to Italy and Beyond!  Alpine Cheeses comprise a wide variety of styles that share an origin in the mountains of Central Europe.  We will discuss and sample several styles of those “mountain cheeses” from within and outside the region.  We will look at recipes for some of the classic styles and discuss what makes them unique.  As a special treat, we will sample a cheese imported from Switzerland by one of our club members!  In November, our meeting will be making and sharing FONDUE, so this meeting is ideal to get your Alpine Cheese inspiration!


More details will be shared at the meeting, but here is a quick timeline:

  • NOW: If you plan to enter a cheese in the competition, please email president@quesodiego.org with your name and how many entries you plan to submit to the competition.  This initial headcount is needed for competition judging planning purposes.
  • SEPT 6: All entry forms are due from those who are entering a cheese in the competition.  This is the finalized list of entrants.
  • SEPT 17: Your cheese entry and $10 entry fee (by cash or check payable to Anvil of Hope) will be collected at our regular meeting on September 17.  Your cheese will be stored in AleSmith’s coldbox until judging.
  • SEPT 21/22: The judging will happen!  Sometime thereafter, the winner will be announced, and there may prizes for the overall winner and runners up!  Feedback regarding your cheese entry from the judges will be given back to entrants.  Peter will work with the winner on scheduling the making of the winning cheese recipe, which will be sometime this fall!

Proceeds from this are going to support Peter and Vicky’s charity, Anvil of Hope (https://anvilofhope.org/), with the vision of breaking the cycle of poverty to ensure everyone has the opportunity to thrive.  In addition to the competition, if anyone wishes to contribute, you are welcome to bring your donation to our September 17 meeting.


Coming September 14, make and take home your Feta cheese!  Information about the class and signing up is coming…


  • We’re meeting in the MEZZANINE area (walk in the main entrance, past the main bar and gift shop towards the Barrel Room.  Before the Barrel Room, use the stairs or elevator to go UPSTAIRS to the Mezzanine).  There is seating in the Mezzanine.
  • Upon arrival, please check-in at the check-in table
  • Please set up your potluck item (and we have labels and label stands, grab a sharpie and label what you bought)
  • Members are encouraged to bring homemade cheese or potluck item or beverage.  If alcohol, only homemade alcohol is allowed (NO COMMERICAL ALCOHOL).  Better yet, enjoy some of the tasty AleSmith beverages!
  • Potluck/socializing beginning at 6:30pm, and the meeting at 7:00pm

A quick note about bringing a LAWN CHAIR… We always need to bring a lawn chair if we meet in the Barrel Room.  But the Mezzanine does have seating, so no lawn chair is needed if we meet there.  HOWEVER, I would ask everyone to always bring a lawn chair… that way, if there is ever a last minute change with the Mezzanine, we won’t be stuck without chairs.  I don’t expect it, but never hurts to be prepared.  In this case, I will leave my lawn chair in my car, as we are expecting the Mezzanine, and there is seating there.

Queso Diego July 2023 Meeting Announcement

Hello Queso Diegans,

July Queso Diego Meeting
July 18th 2023, 6:30 PM
AleSmith Brewery
9990 AleSmith Ct.
San Diego, CA 92126

The meeting is “Nordic Cheese”

Have you ever wondered what kind of cheese Vikings ate? The Nordic countries consist of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland Iceland, Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Aland. One of our members has recently been to Sweden and has brought back some cheese to share.

The potluck begins at 6:30 and meeting at 7:00. Please bring a dish to share. Homemade cheese and homemade brew are encouraged.

The cross club picnic has been scheduled for August 19th and will be taking place at Mt. Acadia Neighborhood Park.

It’s still early but board elections are in November, so if anyone is interested in serving on the board let us know and feel free to join the next board meeting on September 12th.

Finally, Members, if you need anything from the Library of Cheesemaking, please request prior to any upcoming meeting for delivery at the meeting. Be sure to check the list of offerings and send an email to QD-Library-Request@googlegroups.com.

Please remember to bring a chair, looking forward to seeing you!

Queso Diego March Meeting Announcement

Fine Microplane Grating Hard Cheese

Our March general meeting of the year will be on Tuesday, March 19th, 6:30 PM at AleSmith Brewing Company. The meeting will be in the barrel room, which can be accessed through the doors down the hallway to the left of the main bar, just past the restrooms.

The featured presentation will be Hard Cheeses by the club’s founder, Chris Banker. He will be discussing hard (firm) cheeses and how to make and age them. We will also have an introduction to grilled cheese to provide details and ideas for our April grilled cheese meeting.

As always, the meeting will start at 6:30 PM with social time and our amazing potluck filled with cheese and cheesy things brought by all of you to share. Feel free to bring something. We can have homebrew but no commercial beer or wine.

PLEASE, no sharing of food until the table cloths are on the tables at 6:30 PM. At 7:00 PM we will start the formal meeting.

Remember, the weather is a bit cool and the brewery can be chilly so bring a wrap or jacket. Also, bring a chair for maximum comfort. We don’t have access to chairs at the brewery.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Queso Diego July Meeting Announcement

Be sure to put next meeting on your calendar and plan to attend: Tuesday the 18th at AleSmith:
· Queso Diego had a very successful showing at the Del Mar Fair Cheese Contest, and we’ll hear from some of the winners about their experience.
· The lovely Jenny Eastwood will give a presentation on American Cheeses, and recommend some that we should all put on our bucket list.
· The club is kicking off a fun new participatory monthly event that will not only provide good cheese to share, but increase all our cheese making prowess.
· And, there will be an announcement about an exciting club program which will provide information, equipment, and ingredients for all members.

Don’t miss this mid-summer meeting; there’s a lot of exciting things going on.

RSVP here, and let us know what you may be sharing with us: