Tag Archives: cheese

Queso Diego September Meeting Announcement

We will be having our September Queso Diego Meeting on Tuesday, September 18th.

As always, it will be held at:

AleSmith Brewing Company
9990 Alesmith Court
San Diego, CA 92126.

Please RSVP via the following link:

This month’s featured presentation will be Fall and Holiday Cheeses moderated by Marci Richards and Olaf Walter. Club members will have an opportunity to present their favorite Fall and Holiday Cheeses Recipes and to share their creations if they wish.

The meeting starts at 6:30 PM with sharing of cheese (homemade or otherwise) and cheese-friendly foods, homemade alcoholic beverages, and any other food or non-alcoholic beverage you would like to share. AleSmith beer is available for purchase (no other commercial alcoholic beverages can be served at the brewery). Please refrain from sharing or partaking of food before 6:30 PM.

At 7:00 PM we start the formal meeting with a summary of past and upcoming club events and meeting plans and we always provide a chance to talk about your homemade cheeses and to discuss cheesemaking and answer cheese-related questions.

Please remember to bring a chair and wear something warm as we meet in the brewery, which can be chilly if the weather is cold.

If you haven’t paid your 2018 dues, please be prepared to pay $20 for individuals or $30 for a family to our new Membership Officer, Olaf Walter.

Please RSVP and Enjoy the meeting.

Queso Diego January Meeting – Bubbly and Cheese Pairing

Australia Chandon sparkling wines and still pinot noir

Every January, we celebrate Queso Diego’s anniversary and the new year with a bubbly and cheese pairing. This very special event is only open to members and their guests and requires pre-registration. To join and attend the event, please contact the officers at officers@quesodiego.org. Regular meetings will resume in February.

Queso Diego July Meeting Announcement

Be sure to put next meeting on your calendar and plan to attend: Tuesday the 18th at AleSmith:
· Queso Diego had a very successful showing at the Del Mar Fair Cheese Contest, and we’ll hear from some of the winners about their experience.
· The lovely Jenny Eastwood will give a presentation on American Cheeses, and recommend some that we should all put on our bucket list.
· The club is kicking off a fun new participatory monthly event that will not only provide good cheese to share, but increase all our cheese making prowess.
· And, there will be an announcement about an exciting club program which will provide information, equipment, and ingredients for all members.

Don’t miss this mid-summer meeting; there’s a lot of exciting things going on.

RSVP here, and let us know what you may be sharing with us:

Queso Diego March Meeting Announcement

The March meeting of Queso Diego will feature a presentation by Jeffree Itrich on Irish cheeses.

We are now allowed to share homemade alcoholic beverages (homebrew beer, wine, cider, mead) at our meetings at AleSmith.  We are still not permitted to bring outside commercial alcohol. Please remember to bring your own tasting glass.

Queso Diego March Meeting
Tuesday, March 21 @ 6:30PM
AleSmith Brewery
9990 AleSmith Court
San Diego, CA 92126

We have been temporarily moved into a production area of the brewery until their conference meeting room is completed. It is an area that may be cooler than our previous location, so plan on layered clothing or a light outerwear jacket.
Enter through the Tasting Room (our old side door entrance is gone), go near the Gwynn Museum and Barrel Speakeasy: look for the double doors and follow the Queso Diego signs.
Please bring a chair to sit on and your own tasting glass for sharing libations. Per the new law we can share our homebrew beer, wine, cider and mead; but we cannot bring in other commercial libations to the meeting. However, we will have full access to the Tasting Room to replenish our beers during the meeting.

Meetings are free, but we highly encourage bringing something tasty to share (including homemade and store-bought cheeses), and joining as a member for only $20/year.

Please RSVP using this form as soon as possible so that we can get an accurate head count: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeiuugkb5wmiueha8nXsJ1oUOS9P-qCPoFqxl8DrBm_XIH7Qw/viewform

Queso Diego November Meeting Announcement

The November meeting of Queso Diego will feature a presentation by Queso Diego President, Alyssa Humbert, on Italian Cheese, based on her recent trip to Italy. She will talk about Italian cheeses, including the cheeses she found in Italy, and share samples of Italian cheeses. This is our final regular meeting of the year, as December is our special holiday party, which we will discuss at the meeting. Attendees are welcome to bring cheeses and snacks to share, and Italian cheeses and foods are especially encouraged.

Queso Diego November Meeting
Tuesday, November 15 @ 6:30PM
AleSmith Brewery
9990 AleSmith Court
San Diego, CA 92126

We’ll be in a room off to the side of the Tasting Room – you can enter through an exterior door on the left of the main entrance. Meetings are free, but we highly recommend bringing something tasty to share and joining as a member for only $20/year. Please bring a chair to sit on. Outside alcohol is not permitted.

Please RSVP using this form as soon as possible so that we can get an accurate head count:

Queso Diego September Meeting Announcement

The September meeting of Queso Diego will be a Homemade Cheese Show and Tell event. We strongly encourage attendees to bring homemade cheeses to share, whether quick and simple or complex cheeses aged for a long time. This is your chance to showcase what you have learned at recent meetings or to get feedback on your cheeses. (If your cheese fails or you run out of time, consider bringing a Summer Cheese dish – just don’t come empty handed!)

Queso Diego September Meeting
Tuesday, September 20 @ 6:30PM
AleSmith Brewery
9990 AleSmith Court
San Diego, CA 92126

As always, club meetings are free, but we highly encourage you to join as a member for only $20/year. Please bring something tasty to share (no outside alcohol permitted) and bring a chair to sit on!

Please RSVP here:

Here’s some quick and easy homemade cheese recipes:
How to Make Queso Fresco, the World’s Easiest Cheese
Fresh Mozzarella From Scratch Recipe
Simple Fresh Goat Cheese
More cheese recipes here