Tag Archives: july

Queso Diego July Meeting Announcement

Be sure to put next meeting on your calendar and plan to attend: Tuesday the 18th at AleSmith:
· Queso Diego had a very successful showing at the Del Mar Fair Cheese Contest, and we’ll hear from some of the winners about their experience.
· The lovely Jenny Eastwood will give a presentation on American Cheeses, and recommend some that we should all put on our bucket list.
· The club is kicking off a fun new participatory monthly event that will not only provide good cheese to share, but increase all our cheese making prowess.
· And, there will be an announcement about an exciting club program which will provide information, equipment, and ingredients for all members.

Don’t miss this mid-summer meeting; there’s a lot of exciting things going on.

RSVP here, and let us know what you may be sharing with us:

Queso Diego Cheesemaker’s Rodeo Winners

Congratulations to Queso Diegan’s who took home many awards from the Cheesemaker’s Rodeo at the San Diego County Fair. Club members took home 20 ribbons and our own Jessica Voytek took home the Best of Show for a beautiful blue cheese. Thanks to Earl Itrich for all his efforts organizing the event and to Jenny Eastwood for recruiting qualified judges and providing training to those without professional experience. Photo credits to Larry Stein.

July 1 – Queso Diego’s Cheesemakers Rodeo Contest

First – Patricia Zervic, San Diego
Second – Christian Banker, Oceanside
Third – Curt Wittenberg, Encinitas

First – Larry Stein, San Diego
Second – Shane Webber, San Diego
Third – Christian Banker, Oceanside

Bloomy Cow Brie, Camembert, Triple Crème
First – Curt Wittenberg, Encinitas
Second – Jessica Voytek, San Diego

Bloomy Goat
First – Sabine Friedrich-Walter, Escondido
Second – Clifford Slatton, Los Angeles
Third – Jessica Voytek, San Diego

Blue Mold
First – Jessica Voytek, San Diego
Second – Curt Wittenberg, Encinitas

First – Larry Stein, San Diego
Cheddar and American Style
First – Marci Richards, San Diego
Second – Clifford Slatton, Los Angeles

Hard (aged)
First – Curt Wittenberg, Encinitas
Second – Clifford Slatton, Los Angeles

Flavored Cheeses, Butter & Cultured Dairy Products
First – Sabine Friedrich-Walter, Escondido
Second – Christian Banker, Oceanside
Third – Jessica Voytek, San Diego

First – Jessica Voytek, San Diego
Second – Curt Wittenberg, Encinitas
Third – Christian Banker, Oceanside

SD Fair Contest 2017

Queso Diego July Meeting Announcement

Hello Queso Diegans,

Our next meeting topic will be running a retail Cheese Shop in San Diego presented by our supportive friends at Brothers Provisions. Discussions will range: the reason for opening it, what makes them unique, day to day operations, popular cheeses, and pairings. There is rumor that they will bringing a special treat for our club. –You’ll just have to wait and see what that could be.

This is sure to be another awesome Queso Diego meeting.

This meeting will be held at 6:30pm on Tuesday July 21st at City Farmers Nursery (http://www.cityfarmersnursery.com).
Map of parking and the meeting location: https://quesodiego.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/City-Farmers-Map.jpg

Nate’s Garden Grill on the grounds of City Farmers Nursery is now open, so consider stopping by to grab a beer before or after the meeting. They have a great menu of fresh, local food and an extensive draft beer list.

Please RSVP using the link below as soon as possible so that we can get an accurate head count:

Sharing is Caring. — As always, bringing delicious beverages is always strongly encouraged. You might even try a pairing?

It is also recommended to bring your tasting glasses to cut down on those pesky plastic cups (and help eliminate waste).

Hope to see you there.

Brian Trout
Queso Diego

Queso Diego July Meeting Announcement

The July meeting of Queso Diego will be held on Tuesday, July 15. To start off the new membership year, we will have a presentation by Larry Stein on Cheesemaking Basics. Larry will cover a range of information from the basics of cheesemaking through more advanced topics.

This will be a presentation about cheese in general and how we turn milk into tasty goodness. We will go over some of the science behind the curds and review the various processes used in cheese making. The goal is to help you understand why you do certain things (washing curds, heating, cutting, etc.) so you can better understand what you’re doing and more easily follow the technical topics presented at meetings. We expect to provide a wealth of information for new cheesemakers, as well as some tips and technical details for more experienced cheesemakers.

Attendees are encouraged to bring any cheeses or beverages to share, and especially homemade cheeses.

In addition to the main topic, we will be presenting an intro to Mac ‘n Cheese in preparation for our August meeting.

July marks the beginning of the new membership year and we encourage everyone to renew their memberships in a timely manner. Dues will remain the same great value as previous years at $20 per person or $30 per household.

The meeting will be held at 6:30pm on Tues, July 15th at City Farmers Nursery (http://www.cityfarmersnursery.com). Map of parking and the meeting location: https://quesodiego.org/?attachment_id=453

Nate’s Garden Grill on the grounds of City Farmers Nursery is now open, so consider stopping by to grab a beer before or after the meeting. They have a great menu of fresh, local food and an extensive draft beer list.

Please RSVP so we have an accurate head count:

Queso Diego July Meeting Announcement

The July meeting of Queso Diego will explore the wonderful world of fondue. We will have members running several stations with various types of cheese, chocolate, and broth fondues and we will rotate through the stations in groups. As we won’t have the space or capacity to have everyone make their own fondue, we have groups running several stations. Attendees who aren’t making fondue are encouraged to contribute bread and vegetables for dipping, snacks, appetizers, and beverages.

The meeting will be held at 6:30pm on Tues, July 16 at City Farmers Nursery (http://www.cityfarmersnursery.com). Map of parking and the meeting location: http://bit.ly/RtI8rX.

Nate’s Garden Grill is now open, so consider stopping by to grab a bite to eat or a beer before or after the meeting. They have a great menu of fresh, local food and an extensive draft beer list.

Please fill out this form to RSVP for the July Queso Diego Meeting: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dDdtdFExbXhYbTFjbnFXZUlmdVdTalE6MA#gid=0