Category Archives: Meeting Announcements

Queso Diego November Meeting Announcement


This month our own cheese monger, Natalie Onstott, will be telling us about her adventure to Belgium and introducing us to washed rind cheeses. Washed rind cheeses are among the most complex and divisive cheeses. We’ll have the opportunity to try some real interesting cheeses. This will be a funky presentation and you don’t want to miss it.

Jenny will back with Jenny’s corner. We’ll have to see what’s in her cheese wheel.

In January we want to do a topic about “Low and non-fat Cheeses”. We’re looking for someone who would like to prepare this presentation. It’s not that difficult and we’ll help out if needed. Please let me know if you want to take this on.

This is also our last General meeting of the year. December will be our annual holiday party. There will be more information on this later.

November is when we elect the board slate.
As of today we have:

President: Marci Richards
VP: (Open)
Treasurer: Chuck West
IT: Chris Banker
Membership: Mark Bendixen
Events: (Open)
Logistics: Lisa Chamberlain
Secretary: Joanne West
Newsletter: Liz Sears
Social Media: Livia Cournoyer
Education: Don Rutherford

We are still looking for a vice president and events lead. You don’t have to be a prior board member for either of these positions. It’s a great way to support the club and become involved.
If you are interested in either of these positions, or any position, please let Larry know before or at the meeting.

The meeting is on November 19th. As is our custom, the social time and potluck will start at 6:30PM. You all have been awesome with the sampling of cheese and food to try. Please feel free to bring something if you’d like. At 7PM we’ll have our normal business and then start our featured presentation.

Bring a chair, a coat, and a friend. We’ll be meeting in the Barrel Room.

Queso Diego October Meeting Announcement

Gianaclis Caldwell

Be sure to join us for our October meeting. This will be a special meeting as we’ll have a Skype presentation with Gianaclis Caldwell.

Please RSVP to:

From Curt’s notice:

“…we will have cheesemaker, goat farmer and author Gianaclis Caldwell as our virtual guest for a presentation on the challenges of amateur cheesemaking and how to beat them followed by the opportunity to pose your questions to one of our most cherished cheesemaking educators.

This is a special opportunity for those of you interested in goat husbandry, amateur and professional cheesemaking and related topics to an expert who’s goal is to share her knowledge with others. What did you always want to know about cheesemaking? Do you have a question you have posed at Bix’s Corner that stumped everyone? Have you always wondered how to preserve your goat milk, how to choose a starter culture or which type of rennet is best for a particular cheese? Bring your questions to the meeting or, better yet, send them to me and I will call on you to ask it at the meeting. Too shy to pose your question? I will pose it for you!”

The meeting order will be a bit different, with the presentation right at the beginning and then the normal club business.

As usual, Social half-hour starts at 6:30 with the general meeting starting at 7. Please consider bringing a tasty treat to share.

Bring a friend and a chair. It may be getting a little cooler this month so consider bringing a coat.

The meeting is in the Barrel Room, where it has been for a while. Go down the hallway between the bar and the store and through the doors at the end of the hall.

See you on Tuesday.

Queso Diego August Meeting Announcement

Cheese fondue-01

This month we start preparing for our famous Fondue event in September. Carol Rutherford will provide an introduction to Fondue as well as recipes you many want to try. It’s not all cheese and bread. If you plan on participating in the Fondue event then this is not a meeting to miss.

This will be followed by a short presentation on food safety as it applies to Cheesemaking, given by Sabine Friedrich-Walter, a Certified Food Safety Manager. This is an important topic that I’m sure you’ll find interesting.

Lastly we’re starting our bi-monthly “Jenny’s Corner” Cheese Talk. Jenny Eastwood of SmallGoods will pick a cheese and give a 15 minute presentation on that cheese. The intent is to become more informed on what to look for in a particular cheese or type of cheese.

The meeting is on August 20th at AleSmith brewery. As is our custom, the social time and potluck will start at 6:30PM. You all have been awesome with the sampling of cheese and food to try and you are encouraged to bring something to share. At 7PM we’ll start our business portion and featured presentations.

Bring a chair and a friend.

Queso Diego July Meeting Announcement

Be sure to join us for our July meeting. This month the topic is “Cheese of The British Isles” by Curt Wittenberg and a special guest Eric Meredith from Neal’s Yard in the UK. You won’t want to miss this meeting.

This month we’re going to try something fun. Everyone who RSVPs will be entered in a random drawing to win a prize. I don’t know what it is, but it won’t be a car or vacation. Probably some cheese or cheese related item, or a beer. Who knows?? Find out on the 16th.

As usual Social half-hour starts at 6:30 with the general meeting starting at 7. Please consider bringing a tasty treat to share.

Bring a friend and a chair. You’re probably safe without jackets this month.

See you on Tuesday.


Queso Diego June Meeting Announcement

Our June meeting will be on Tuesday, June 18th. Jenny Eastwood and Larry Stein will be presenting on Tasting and Classifying Cheese. It’s better than it sounds, with emphasis on the tasting part.

As always, our friendly potluck and social time will start at 6:30. Please consider bringing an item to share, the last few months have been wonderful.

Don’t forget your chair and a light coat in case it’s cold in the brewery.

Queso Diego May Meeting Announcement

I hope you’ve all recovered from last months Grilled Cheese event. This month we have a great presentation planned. Peter Zien, of CheeseSmith and AleSmith, will be here to talk to us about pasteurization. This is a critical process in Cheesemaking and many food endeavors, but few people know what it does and why it’s important. You don’t want to miss this meeting.

As always, our friendly potluck and social time will start at 6:30. Please consider bringing an item to share. The last few months have been wonderful. Don’t forget your chair and a coat.

Thank you to everyone who responded to the Valle Guadalupe trip. It’s sold out at 30 people. I’ll be sending a notice to those that signed up with the almost final details.
Be prepared to send me your deposit after I send the notice. We have a great trip planned. I’ll send all the details to you hopefully by Monday.

See you next Tuesday.